Happy Monday everybody…hopefully, you still have all your fingers and toes attached. The arsenal here at The Compound remains safe, for the moment. Despite losing AC here in the main house, the Cabinet Saloon replication (aka, The Cab) was nice and cool last week. We just moved all of the Oklahoma-illegal fireworks down to that building. Believe it or not, the AC is back on here at the main house, but you’ll never guess what was causing the issue. Turns out a bunch of small ants were setting up their summer home inside the compressor housing and jammed up some switch that allows the compressor to come on. The technician sprayed the crap out of them…ants died…AC works…he’s sending the bill. Cousin Fred offered that we should build a wall around the compressor to keep those pesky ants out. I pointed out that the flaw in his plan is that they would just tunnel underneath. There will be more discussion on this topic that will likely roll into fall when it just won’t matter anymore. Besides we have much bigger thing to worry about right now. You know, at some point, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut…er, stop my fingers from typing too much. It seems that all my typing/talk about illegal fireworks coming down out of Kansas (it’s cheaper there you know) and Korean Plum Wine Hooch has attracted the attention of law enforcement. And not just any law enforcement either. I’ve got the ATF&E parked just outside The Compound. Problem is, I don’t know if they’re here for the hooch or the high explosives…or both. Fortunately, there’s no tobaccy involved. I was watching News 4 in OKC which has their helicopter watching the ATF&E watching The Compound (how many times can use the word watching in a sentence?). They’re parked outside and across the road. All of them peering at us through binoculars and eating donuts. All day long. Apparently, they can’t find a federal judge to issue a warrant to search the place. Bet all the federal judges are on the Chris Christie private beach in Jersey sunning themselves. Did you hear about this? So, the once-darling of the Republican Party and governor of New Jersey Chris Christie closes beaches in his state over a budget dispute with his legislature. It’s Fourth of July weekend, families want to go to the beach, but the Governor has closed them. He’s even posted armed state troopers at the entrances to keep people out by force, if necessary. But then, his rather largish self and his family are photographed lounging on an empty beach. “Let them eat cake,” he is quoted as saying about the poor slobs he’s holding at gunpoint. Okay, he didn’t really say that, but I’ll bet he was thinking it. Could you imagine if Her Royal Highness Mary of Fallin did something like that? Close all of the state parks to people on a holiday weekend? Suspect the capitol would burn. Oh sure, the majority of lakes and waterways across Oklahoma are probably unsafe to dip a toe into, but we Oklahomans loves us some toxic toe-dipping on holiday weekends. Of course, HRH probably has a private pool at the Palace so what does she care? Bet she’s been sitting poolside for the entire weekend, sipping margaritas, eating sponge cake, and occasionally whacking whatever OHP guard pulled duty this weekend on the bottom with her blinged riding crop. “Good Trooper, bad Trooper, which is it going to be? Get me another margarita. What? Hungry people are protesting this weekend? Teachers want more money and are also protesting? Let them eat cake,” she screams as she tosses the remaining sponge cake over the Palace walls to the amusement of Hellkat One. Would make a great movie don’t you think? Sofia Coppola should direct. Cousin Fred says he has a great surprise in store for us when he sets off the illegal fireworks tomorrow night. Something to do with him and Gigi being in costumes. Can’t wait. We’ve been sneaking drinks from Mr. Kim’s RV. He has a tap in the engine compartment that connects to the huge bladder of Korean Plum Wine Hooch in the cabin area of the RV. In fact, that bladder takes up the entire cabin area of the RV. It looks as though there are major repairs being done on the RV. The engine hood is up and we’re constantly out there tinkering and crawling underneath all day and night. I’m sure the ATF&E don’t suspect a thing. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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