We here at CCB are good at spotting trends...especially the stupid ones. Another day in America.6/19/2018
This is America! (Unless you’re reading this someplace else.) We’re Americans! (Unless of course you’re that weird pack of Israelis that repost my blog onto other sites.) We love us some poorly produced smoked ribs (Swadley’s to name one), idiot legislators (this state is full of ‘em), and trends (pick one, any one). We here at CCB have spotted a newish trend and feel compelled to bring it to everyone’s attention. Namely, idiots trying to conceal carry weapons who have ZERO business doing so. First, a week or so ago, there was the off-duty FBI agent with his service weapon tucked down in his ass who tried to do a back flip in a nightclub as part of his dance routine and dropped the weapon onto the floor. When he tried to retrieve said weapon, “it just went off” and injured a bystander. Uh huh. I don’t recall the type of weapon the agent (we’ll call him J. Edgar) was tossing around the club. Chances are it was a Glock…let’s say it was a Glock…which would be a good thing because a Glock is designed not to accidentally “just went off.” BUT, if you put your finger inside the trigger guard, there’s a trigger safety on the front of the trigger that must be pressed before the weapon will fire. In watching J. Edgar retrieve his weapon from the floor, he appears to pick it up with his finger inside the trigger guard. So, now, yesterday a new viral video hit the Internet that has all the trappings of a Mel Brooks western. We see a dude (John Wayne Jr. – Junior to his friends) place a holstered weapon (can confirm it was a Glock) down the FRONT INSIDE of his pants. Seconds later Jr. bends down to pick something up off the floor and there is a loud bang as the weapon fires. He had a through-and-through gunshot wound to the groin, which of course can be defined as anything between the lower portion of abdomen and upper thigh. I’ll leave it to you to imagine what he blew off. If you bend over stuff gets compressed in the front. Given that the only way a Glock can fire is if that trigger safety is somehow pressed, I’m betting it caught on the edge of his holster or maybe a belt buckle was involved. I don’t know, it’s impossible tell from looking at the video. The bad part for this guy is that from looking at the video it took place inside a gun shop. It’ll be tough for him to live this down. The one thing that both incidents have in common is that both of these fools were walking (and/or dancing) around with a weapon with a round in the chamber, ready to fire. Now, then, the wannabe bigger-than-life macho gun-toters out there will all tell you that a pistol without a chambered round makes you (the carrier) a liability. Bullsh*t! I don’t care how many safeties, external or internal, your daily carry weapon has, if you keep a round in the chamber anything can happen. Cycling a round into the chamber goes quickly enough that I seriously doubt you’re going to lose any real advantage in a firefight. And, even if you don’t carry a semi-auto, but prefer your weird Uncle Carl’s old S&W .38 revolver with the shrouded hammer “just like they used to carry in the CIA” - for goodness sake, keep the hammer on an empty chamber. I live in a state where the legislature, year after year, comes up with some new nonsense to free the people of Oklahoma from oppressive government intervention. There’s no vehicle safety inspections…though there damn sure ought to be. We having people thumbing their noses at Federal rules for catalytic converters on vehicles. Seriously, people have them cut out of the exhaust system, so they can get more noise as they roll down the street. This is a state that passed a law making it legal to carry switchblade knives around despite there still being a Federal law preventing that. The morons in the legislature tried to get a law through that would allow anyone and everyone over 18 that had not yet (operative word, yet, this state incarcerates more of its citizens than any other) been convicted of a felony to carry concealed or open without going through a safety course. Judas priest. Surprisingly, that sold-out governor of ours, Her Royal Highness Mary of Fallin, vetoed the law and it was toast…for now. You know, it just occurred to me that the legislature’s finest moments seem to contribute to the outlaw mentality in this state – just sayin’. This from a bunch of lawmakers who count among their colleagues; perverts, pedophiles, and drug users – but, they’re adamantly opposed to medical marijuana. WTF?! I offer that a lack of basic gun safety, including concealed carry will lead to more incidents like those we’ve mentioned here. Let’s be safe out there. And, please don’t chamber a round until you need it. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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