You know, sometimes it’s hard trying to write this blog on a (nearly) every day basis. There are days that I have so much other stuff going on or just don’t feel like writing it. But then, there are those days when the blog comes a knockin’ and says to me, “Hey, idiot,” it says, “we’re giving you fodder like you’ve not had in ages. Why aren’t you writing? Write!” Hmmmm…my blog is beginning to sound like the virginal vegan Hodensack. Such was the case this morning. I really wasn’t feeling like posting anything this morning. Cousin Fred made it back from Cortez yesterday. The Law Wagon actually gave him a ride back to the hotel. He was released on an own recognizance bond yesterday morning. The bad news there is that he is not allowed to leave the state until his hearing. Of course, that doesn’t mean anything to us. After all, the Francesca is free on a cash bond and isn’t supposed to leave Oklahoma, but she’s here. So here I sit with a bunch of bond jumpers. I was feeling kind of down and really didn’t want to have to face posting anything this morning. But, then…it was like manna from Heaven. Content rained down upon my sorrowful, pitiful self (hey, have some compassion readers!). I looked at the KFOR website and what do you think I saw? The morons of the Oklahoma Legislature have screwed us again! And, this time, the Federal government has had enough! Awwwww…smell the sweet stench of I-told-you-this-would-happen. The morons who “work” at 2300 N Lincoln Blvd got some bad news yesterday. It seems their slap-happy game of playing chicken with the Feds is over…done…and, they lost. Oklahoma’s request for an extension on complying with Federal law, which they have laughingly, arrogantly, and steadfastly chosen to ignore was denied. So now, we’re all trapped on this island of Oklahoma, unless of course you have a passport and/or military ID, both of which I have thank you very much. I got mine. Your Oklahoma driver’s license after January 29, 2017, won’t be good for much except maybe showing people how bad a picture you take when you’re out late drinking. AND, before everyone starts blaming the foreign-born socialist Muslim Obama…you may be interested to know that the Real ID act was passed in 2005, during King George II’s reign. In 2007, the Oklahoma Legislature in its moronic sense of f*** the Feds, passed its own law prohibiting the state from complying. So, let’s say you take the kids to Disneyworld on January 27, 2017. As you’re moving through the TSA checkpoint in OKC, you notice a small sign posted near the entrance informing you that your Oklahoma driver’s license will no longer be valid as identification to fly after January 29. You sneer, knowing full well that the Derplahoman (sorry, Lost Ogle) legislature would surely not leave you high and dry in Florida. Guess again. You try to board your flight to return home on February 3 having spent all your available cash and patience keeping the kids and wife happy in the land of gators, zika mosquitos, female serial killers, and hurricanes only to find you’re actually a refugee unable to return home. The sheer stupidity of the Oklahoma Legislature is beyond anything I can comprehend. They have asked for waiver after waiver after waiver, which the Federal government granted because they felt sorry for a state with morons at the helm. Now, REPUBLICAN legislators are scrambling to get legislation in place that would allow Oklahoma to become compliant, BUT GUESS WHAT…it will be at least 2018 before the state can implement the measures necessary to bring Oklahoma in-line with Federal law. AND, then there’s the money side of this. It costs heaping great bags of $$$ to become compliant with Real ID. Maybe Her Royal Highness Mary of Fallin shouldn’t have been so quick to return leftover cash back to state agencies. We’re pretty much doomed for now. If you have any plans for traveling anywhere anytime soon, you should apply for a passport. At least the idiots on Lincoln Blvd can’t stop you from doing that. OH…and, vote out every incumbent you can this year and next year. Republican, Democrat, Independent...gone. Maybe then someone with some brains and vision beyond the envelope of cash that a lobbyist hands them can actually do some good for the people of this state. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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