Happy Friday everybody! We’re on the road headed to Black Rock Desert for the Burning Man Festival! Thankfully, I have a laptop and great data plan on my phone so I’m able to issue forth with the posts despite being further away from The Compound on a minute-by-minute basis. We took off this morning at 4AM. We’re somewhere up in Kansas right now (it’s cheaper here you know). It turns out that Cousin Fred’s big idea for decorating the RV at Burning Man is to use a shrink-wrap silver mylar all over it and then wrap it all with crime scene tape. Not the most creative idea I’ll grant you, but it’s weird and, of course, weird sells at Burning Man. I questioned how we’ll get the shrink wrap to shrink, but Cousin Fred pointed out that we’re headed to the desert in northern Nevada where daytime temps should be sufficient to shrink anything. He also mentioned some idea for using magnifying glasses if the ambient heat isn’t enough to shrink the shrink wrap, says there’s lots of sun there. SPOILER ALERT: This will NOT turn out well. Having you been watching Fearless Leader on the news and/or news feeds? I keep expecting a complete Twitter meltdown following the conviction and/or plea deal of two of the Manhattan stooges, but so far nothing. Oh sure, he’s tweeting out snarky comments about this or that with regard to Cohen (he’s a sell-out), Manafort (he’s a poor oppressed innocent angel), and now he’s even taking shots at the head of the Keebler Elf Consortium Jeff Sessions (why is he still working for me?). He’s given an interview to Fox News saying that he can’t imagine the American people impeaching someone who has done such an outstanding job. (cough) And that we’ll all be poorer, and the markets will crash if he is impeached. Uh huh. I’m convinced that he and his thug family are manipulating markets to make them all rich(er). But, I have nothing to back that up, so don’t bother checking Snopes. But, have you noticed that most everyone he has fired to this point lands on their feet with their golden parachute still attached? Seriously, there’s Omarosa whose book has taken off and is selling like hotcakes. And now, even Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci is trying to leverage his 11 days of fame as the Fearless Leader’s White House Director of Communications (what the hell was Fearless Leader thinking…oh, never mind). The Mooch tried to sell his own talk show on cable called (and we’re not making this up) “The Mooch’s Table” …the premise of which was to have his guests sit around a dinner table with him and discuss…well, whatever. In his demo tape, his first round of guests included Michael Avenatti (stripper/porn star Stormy Daniels’ attorney), the rapper, actor Saigon, and radio host, publisher, and author Karen Hunter. I know right? How awkward to have Avenatti on there since he presents something of a threat to Fearless Leader’s presidency AND is threatening his own run as a Republican in 2020. In an apparent act of desperation to get the damned show sold, The Mooch, during his first show, revealed that he wet the bed until he was eleven. Seriously, I can’t make this sh*t up! But, alas, it was not enough. The demo is going nowheres (sic). But, The Mooch isn’t done. Oh no! Some genius came up with the idea of a satirical Off-Broadway musical based on the Trump family called, “The 1st Annual Trump Family Special.” It opens in mid-September and runs through December. And, Scaramucci is promoting it. He is quoted as saying, “I think they’d (the Trump Family) would find this very funny. They know how to take a joke.” Uh huh. Well, hopefully he’s making some dough off his efforts. Me thinks we’ll be hearing about The Mooch being found in a New Jersey swamp somewhere. We’re going to push through to the Salt Lake City area tonight (we have a fully stocked RV). And then head on in to Black Rock on Saturday where we’ll hopefully be able to find Seaside Blondie amid the mass of savage humanity. Until the next dispatch… That is all! Comments are closed.
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