Happy Hump Day everybody! We’re back after a brief…ummm…let’s say medical sabbatical. The problem is still there, but I’m tired of worrying about it so, on with the posts! Just to bring you up to speed on things here at The Compound – the walls are up on the new second-edition replication of the Cabinet Saloon, aka The Cab II. Just need to finish out the interior. Of course, that hasn’t stopped the creepy membership of the Pathetic Order of the Jackrabbit - Original Charter from christening the interior with nightly parties. No respect for my medical woes – I needs sympathy, dammit! The POJOC dudes plan to have everything in ship-shape order for this coming October’s 123rd anniversary of the infamous “gunfight” in the real Cabinet Saloon, which come to think of it was the second Cabinet Saloon in Cosmic City. The first was on the north end of 1st Street near the train tracks – for those of you playing along at home. In the meantime, Cousin Fred, Friend Lamont, the hairdressing hydrologist Gigi, and I have our tickets for this year’s Burning Man festival in Nevada that starts the 26th of August for ten days. Cousin Fred and Gigi are working on a plan to turn Friend Lamont’s RV into a rolling art display after we arrive in the desert at Black Rock. One of the great guiding principles of Burning Man is that attendees are encouraged to find new heights of “radical self-expression.” It’ll be great…you’ll see! But now to a more somber tone. Friends, do you love America? Of course you do, despite the fool we elected king. Do you know the initials TCB? Of course you do, that was Elvis’ (the TRUE king) motto, “taking care of business” or, “takin care o bidness – uh huh huh” as they say in Memphis. Do you love you some Elvis cult activity? Of course you do! Do you believe Elvis is dead? Hell no you don’t! Do love Elvis Presley? I know, I know, I needn’t say it. Tomorrow, of course, is the 41st observance of the supposed death of the King. I had planned on attending the vigil outside Graceland in Memphis along with some 50,000 of my closest friends. But alas, the medical crap got in the way, so I had to pass this year. Still, we’ll be flying the flag at half-staff tomorrow here at The Compound knowing full well that E is still alive…somewhere. There was an interesting first-hand piece that ran in the Daily Mail today written by a former BBC reporter who was invited by the Presley family to be the first outside person to view Elvis’ alleged, supposed corpse in repose at Graceland. He speaks of the remains of someone who didn’t even remotely look like Elvis. His reporting, through no intention of his own, probably sparked the cult of Elvis Lives. The Brits have always been huge Elvis fans though he never performed there live. In fact, tomorrow, in throughout the Great Britain and Ireland select theaters will run Elvis’ great 1968 NBC Comeback Special. Here in America, where he got his start…nothing. Oh sure, the History Channel will likely run that special episode of Ancient Aliens wherein they say propose that Elvis is actually an ancient alien who helped build pyramids throughout the early world and arranged their locations just so in order to achieve acoustic harmonics the modern world as yet to discover. Elvis is a genius, you know. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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