Welcome to what remains of The Compound following this weekend’s First Annual Chicken Wing Appreciation Fest (FACWAF). If you weren’t here, you missed out on a well…event. With two thousand pounds of chicken wings, I would never have anticipated running out. But, we ran out. That led to a near-riot here on Sunday night, with chicken wing hungry hordes chanting “More fried protein, more fried protein!” Then the masses began hurling the bones toward the main house. It was madness I’m telling you! Of course, The Compound Mutts thought it was all fun and games. The biggest (and dumbest) of the mutts, Luke, turned it into a game by leaping into the air to catch the bones with pieces of meat still attached. The mutts disappeared into the north pasture, no doubt with a mountain of bones they’re still chewing through. The Wife, in her usual spot up on the roof, began cackling when the chanting began, but then launched a counter attack when the wings started flying. She began hurling Old Crow empties back at the savage wing eaters. An hour before sundown, a sheriff’s unit rolled up down on the road. At that point, Cousin Fred disappeared down inside Das Boot where he battened down the hatch…something about a pesky subpoena. I grabbed my now-greasy cell phone to call CCB’s disgraced and disbarred attorney thinking we were going to need serious legal advice. His response, “As your lawyer, I advise you to burn the place to the ground and run.” The deputy sat observing the melee for a few minutes, but then drove off. After dark, a chilly wind came up out of the north and the gang of thugs on the lawn dispersed. The Daughter at that point decided it was time to make her exit. After greasy hugs, she climbed into the cab of her truck and tried to get to the road. I say tried because that’s when we discovered a new problem. The entire Compound is covered in grease! She careened perilously down the long drive before finally making it to the road and solid traction. Guess those four years at the George Mason School for Advanced Truck Driving paid off. So, between the constant frying of chicken wings, the use of pecan wood to smoke chicken wings (very oily wood) and using mostly-eaten chicken as projectiles this place is covered in grease. The Wife took a step and slid right off the roof! She got up off the ground, tried to light an unfiltered Pall Mall and immediately started a small fire. Now the sheriff’s unit was back trying to cite her for illegal burning, but he couldn’t make it up the driveway. The deputy stuck the citation in the mailbox out by the road, gave us the finger and drove away. For just such a mishap, I generally keep fire extinguishers stashed in the bushes, so I was able to get the fire out quickly. The clean-up has begun though I have no idea how I’ll get rid of all the grease. It’s everywhere. It’s disgusting. And, it’s dang slippery…like the set of a Van Halen video in the ‘80’s. And speaking of slippery situations… My worries are small compared to that of The Trump, who, according to George W. Bush’s (aka, King George II) ethics czar. Richard Painter, the former Republican turned Dem (“they have better chicken wings on the left”) running for U.S. Senate in Minnesota claims that The Trump has racked up more occurrences of abuse of power and obstruction of justice than Nixon ever did. Nixon is dead, right? He cites (see what I did there…bring it on home…I’m so damned clever) specifically that The Trump has: violated the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting gifts from foreign entities – a charge for which The Trump is being sued, but claims he has absolute immunity from prosecution; and, Painter claims that The Trump has already violated the First Amendment by promoting one religion over another (e.g., the weird hard-to-defend ban on Muslim travel to the United States. Painter was quoted as saying that The Trump’s “…abuse of power in office, his violation of the Constitution, his rhetoric…borders on fascist.” Wow, well good luck with all that. Slippery Donald will no doubt slide out from under anything the Dems or anyone else (even members of his own party are beginning to grumble) tries to pin on him. Face it, we're stuck with him...warts and all. The guy is bulletproof, for now. Of course, that’s what they said about Tricky Dick at the time too. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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