Howdy everyone. Today's post from posts past is from June 29, 2017. I was apparently on a roll about politics in America and seemed to take on everyone within view. Must have been on one of those mornings. Eh, enjoy! Yeah, yeah, happy Thursday…you know what’s the matter with the Democratic Party, people? Do you even care? Probably not, but I’m going to tell you anyway. It’s become too factious. That’s it in a nutshell. The Dems have become too splintered, not to mention arrogant about their prospects, for success in American politics. Oh, sure, they’ll say stuff like, “Oh, well, Ossoff is facing a tough challenge. It's gonna be close. We can’t let our guard down. Haha.” Off camera, they’re convinced they have it locked up in the bag strong enough to hold venomous snakes. I’m sure everyone was certain that Georgians wouldn’t elect a candidate being pushed by The Trump. But, guess what…they did. What I think they’re really missing is the ability to get it done…to close it…to IMPLEMENT their Brainiac delusions. You know what, DNC? The American people aren’t all that smart. There, I said it. Americans prefer to be led around like sheep in a show pen. You trip the right switches, you get their support. By and large, the American people are woefully undereducated (and it’s getting worse) and generally incapable of critical thinking. Oh sure, the Republicans come off as a bunch of elitist snobs seeking an America that’s a hybrid of Eisenhower (well, he managed to look dignified), Nixon (he’s still dead, right?), Reagan (genuflect and cross yourself), and…oh, I don’t know, Lincoln (who actually wasn’t a Republican in the sense of now and I’ll explain why). But, as factious as they themselves are, the GOP got through the door early and told people what they wanted to hear. In the meantime, the Dems were still too busy hanging tapestries of the Kennedy brothers on the wall and not really paying attention. So the GOP swept up the middle class in this country on promises that better days lay ahead. You’re from a long line of coal miners? Brother, we have coal for you to mine. You come from a long line of farmers? No problem. We’ll get Washington out of your business and raise the price of wheat all at the same time. Honestly, as long as the GOP can keep shifting district boundaries and herding sheep, they’ll keep winning. I’m not certain I buy into the whole Norman Rockwell vision of America, I think that’s past us. We’re a great country, but the world has changed. Things will never return the days of Ozzie and Harriet and the Beav’. The Dems don’t need liberal thought or moderate thought in the party. They need progressive thought. People with the vision to move the party and this great nation forward. And, then IMPLEMENT that vision. Get the sheeps (sic) behind you. So, what brought this up was an article I saw in my morning newsfeed that Nancy Pelosi has gotten a reprieve from what promised to be a public beheading. Well, good for her. She still has a job and enough money to continue the Botox injections, I guess. Apparently, the idiots at DNC and Dems in Congress were thinking it was time to oust her because Ossoff lost (not sure I really understand why that was actually her fault, but what the hell do I know). By the way, GOP, you might want to keep an eye on Ossoff. I suspect he’s your next headache. But, it doesn’t matter whether she was responsible or not. The Democratic Party supposedly took a nationwide poll as to whether or not to force Pelosi out of her position as Minority Leader. Bu**sh*t I say. What poll? Nationwide? How come no one else heard about it? According to the poll, only one in four polled sheep were calling for her head. What question did you ask? “Do you want grandma out of a job, or what?” My point here is that if Democratic “leadership” thought it was time for her to go, then they should have taken steps to make that happen. DO something. No, they want to take a poll for pete’s sake. Think…be progressive…do something…implement. Now, I made a couple of statements in this posting that I guess I have to defend. First the whole Lincoln wasn’t actually a Republican thing. It really irks me when I hear a rabid Republican on television talking about the Party of Lincoln. Yes, true, Lincoln was a Republican. BUT, at some point between the Lincoln administration and FDR there was a huge pendulum shift in politics and political beliefs in this country. And the Republican party of today is what the Democratic party of yesterday was…or words to that effect. Finally, my comments about people in America being woefully undereducated and incapable of critical thought? Yeah, I’ll stand by that. We now have at least two generations of students moving or having moved through public schools who were taught nothing, but how to take a test. They know nothing, except what a teacher drilled into their head to pass the test so that the teacher could keep his or her job. That’s it. It ain’t going to get no better anytime soon. Okay, and truly final comment, politics in this country is irretrievably broken. When you consider how much career politicians make in loans, contributions, and who knows what all from lobbyists with their healthcare, gun, environmental, who knows what agendas, it’s a miracle if anything ever gets fixed. Term limits people. It’s the only thing that has kept the president from becoming a King. Hold the morons in Congress accountable…whatever their party. We’re starting to see glimmers of that with people in townhall meetings taking their representatives to task. Good…hold their feet to the fire. Okay, I’m actually done with the Thursday rant. Cousin Fred and I are headed to Kansas (it’s cheaper there you know) to buy (Oklahoma) illegal fireworks to set off on the 4th. If you want to see REAL mayhem, feel free to drop by The Compound Tuesday night where we’ll be celebrating while sampling Mr. Kim’s Korean Plum Wine Hooch and foolishly playing around with high explosives. What could go wrong? That is all! Comments are closed.
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