Happy Monday morning you lucky people, CCB is posting! This despite an air temperature here at The Compound of 8°…don’t gasp just yet…the wind chill here atop this danged ridge (the elevation means I’ll see “them” coming) is -3°. Friends, it’s colder than a __________ ___________ _____________ (fill in the blanks, there are so many of those). Friends, it’s so cold [how cold is it, Mr. Robin?]…it’s so cold that P Diddy is changing his name again…to Frozen P. It’s so cold [how cold is it, Mr. Robin?]…it’s so cold that I when I went through the drive-thru at McDonald’s yesterday and the lady accidentally spilled my coffee onto my lap, I thanked her. Hahahaha…okay, okay, don’t crowd, I’m in town all week. There’s plenty of me for everybody. Yep, it’s this cold and it’s not even winter yet. As you may recall, the dumbass weather guessers were all predicting a warmer than usual winter this year. So if the fall has been this cold maybe the winter will be positively balmy. Balmy I can do. The only good thing about the start of winter is that the days start getting longer. Makes it easier to see “them” coming for me. I’ve been burning through too much $$$ on batteries for the night vision scope. And, if you think I’m joking about that, you obviously don’t know me very well. So, it’s the end of the year (nearly) and, as usual, I find myself buried in over my head with work that doesn’t pay…yet, anyway. I am writing two screenplays: one is a short comedy film; the other, a feature-length comedy film. The short film script is about 60% done. It has to be finished before the end of December. The feature length script is probably about 30% done. I have until late February for that. The short film will finish on time, no worries there. The Daughter is coming to NWOK this year for Christmas and she doesn’t know it yet, but I’m planning to put her to work helping me with dialogue for the short film. She’ll be thrilled. You’ll see. Let’s see. I’m also on the hook to produce a web site for a local, often overlooked tourist attraction here. The content and photos are pretty much done. I just need to put it all together. I know, sounds easy enough. If it sounds as though I’m whining, I am! And then there’s this damned blog. You people get surly if I don’t contribute something at least three time a week. I’ve been doing this beast for nearly two years now. Had hoped by now someone or some web site would pick it up and/or syndicate it…besides the Israeli site that republishes my material without permission (grrrrrrr). Eh well, all of that is what keeps me getting up every morning at 4AM to trudge into the kitchen for coffee and (at least for now) a slice of Texas pecan fruitcake (Mr. Robin loves fruitcake). While we’re on the subject of this blog, I’ll give you pervs a peek into the stuff that I see on a daily basis…the backend as we in the business call it. Most web hosts offer statistics and other information that might be helpful to the web site owner in how they market whatever the hell they’re selling. My web host, Weebly, not so much. I used to own a site that used hostmonster.com as the host. GREAT statistics on that site. Information you could really use, like the IP address of people visiting the site and the time and date that they landed on the site. Helps with tracking Israeli pirates. Weebly never gives it subscribers anything that cool to use. I do, however, get some amusement by looking at the statistics on search terms used to find CCB. For instance, this month, the top three search engine terms (okay, there were only three so far this month) are: “anything” – I know, right? I typed “anything” into Google and had to go back many, many pages until I found CCB. How bored (read as borderline psychotic) was this person?; number two on the list was “cosmic city blog” – okay, that’s a good thing, the brand is getting out there; And, three: “law, robin not in my city” – now when you put that string into Google, most of the web sites that come up are for some lawyer named Robin McCarty in Texas. Again, I’m buried waaaaay down. There was a time, about a year ago, that putting “woodward ok” into Google ranked me just behind the City of Woodward, which I thought was really funny. Now granted, search engine optimization (aka, SEO) changes on a nearly weekly basis and I haven’t been working that lately, but I notice that if you type “woodward ok” into Google now, I’m buried deep in the search results. That has to change. Let’s change some things! When people type “woodward ok” into Google, I want to come out on top of the City of Woodward. That should land me with a cease and desist order! So, here’s what we’re going to do…and I need your help. At random times throughout the day, go to Google and type “cosmic city blog equals woodward ok” in the search string. I’ll change some things in the hidden bits of the web site and let’s see if we can push the site above the City of Woodward. I’ll keep you apprised as we go along. It’s gonna be great…you’ll see…it’ll turn out better than you think! That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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