Hey there everybody…it’s Tuesday…the world’s gone insane…we’ll try to explain (make excuses for?) a small portion of it today.
Friends, are you arrogant? Of course not, according to you. Sometimes it takes someone else to see your true colors and inform you of your flaws. Take, for instance, one of my ex-wives who once told me, as I was grousing about someone I didn’t care for, that I just didn’t like people who are even more arrogant than I am. Huh. That hit me like a load of bricks. Did I have an existential moment of self-realization that changed me forever? Nah…not really. I recall giving her a bewildered look and then kept grousing, thinking to myself, “She just doesn’t understand me.” See, that’s the beauty of being an arrogant pr**k…you don’t know that you are, you just do what comes naturally. I don’t need no stinking existentialist philosophy. And, life goes on. That short self-revelation had something of a purpose. Overnight in my newsfeed I saw a couple of items go by that really caught my attention. First, there was a story that Fearless Leader’s (aka, Lord King Boofoo of Arrogance) nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize this year was made long before the Japanese Prime Minister Abe did so, reportedly at the behest of Trump’s people in the White House. Although Abe did some explaining in front of the Japanese parliament about his involvement in Fearless Leader’s nomination saying he never said he didn’t nominate Trump (how’s that for cagey) but refusing to say if the White House begged him to make the nomination. It all may have been kept quiet except that Fearless Leader who has never ever shied away from blowing his own horn, announced last Friday that Abe had nominated him for the Nobel Prize for his work with that NoKo fool Kim Jong Uno…a person who longs to be arrogant (can’t be arrogant if you’ve nothing to be arrogant about…just sayin’). Well, it turns out that two Norwegian pols had already nominated Fearless Leader following his 2018 summit with Kim. First, let me say that I don’t really care if Fearless Leader is nominated for this or any other award. I’m frankly still trying to figure out how Obama was nominated for and won a Nobel Prize less than a year into his first term. The fact remains that the jury is still out on NoKo’s Kim as to whether he’ll toe the line when it comes to NoKo nukes. I still say Kim is just pulling Fearless Leader along by his d**k while NoKo scientists continue development of a vehicle to deliver a nuke to The Compound. And, Fearless Leader is falling for it. In the meantime, according to reports, the U.S. Intelligence Community is warning that said development is continuing. I bet Vlad the Poot told Trump that Kim will behave. It’s like that scene in the first Star Wars movie where Obi Wan tells the stormtroopers, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” The stormtroopers repeat the words and move off to collect their Nobel Prize. And, even…EVEN if Kim isn’t continuing development of his weapons, I’m not sure Trump deserves the credit. If you’re going to give anyone a prize for getting that idiot Kim to knock it off, it should be the Chinese. They’re ones who summoned Kim to Beijing for a face-to-face with government officials before the summit with Trump. Following that trip, Kim became a lot more agreeable to whatever. And, then we come to that altogether uber eccentric pal of Fearless Leader, Roger Stone. Ever since the FBI raided his home and dragged his pajama-clad ass off in the early morning hours, Stone has displayed supreme arrogance, a level of arrogance only heretofore sought by yours truly but never achieved. He continually goaded his accusers, probably expecting full well that Fearless Leader would pardon him. Ah, but…Stone’s haughty ways may be his downfall. The federal judge presiding over his case slapped a gag order on all parties to keep their mouths shut and refuses to pass the case off to another federal judge. What does Stone do? He posted on Instagram a closely cropped photo of the judge’s face with what appeared to be a rifle’s crosshairs next to her head. The backlash was immediate and unmerciful…pointing out that even the hint of threatening a federal judge (not to mention one that is presiding over your case) whether that was your intention or not is not only supremely stupid (and arrogant) but is also a felony. Stone’s lawyers immediately filed a formal apology with the court, saying their client regrets his action and is wholly sorry for what he’s done. Eh, may be too late. Idiot. So, there you have it. Arrogance and contemptuous pride may be self-fulfilling to a point, until you go too far and then it’s not. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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