It's tough being Trump...White House has become Fort Apache...where the heck is John Wayne?1/21/2019
Here we go, another week with which to excel, so get out there and do something. I know, thhhppptttt!
Friends, having watched the nonsense in D.C. over the weekend, I’ve come to an inescapable truth…it must suck being Fearless Leader. Think about it, you’re surrounded by sycophants who only tell you what you want to hear out of fear that you’ll publicly behead them in a Twitter rage. You’re viewed by the Dems as a sub-human loathsome creature. Even the members of your own party mistrust you and begin to second guess your every whim. Whim, you ask? Take for instance the publicity stunt on Saturday afternoon, when he found the five least likely to fail immigrants and marched them into the Oval Office for a naturalization ceremony. If you’re Trump (and I pray you aren’t), you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, this is the ticket! I’ll hold this dog and pony show before my blockbuster immigration announcement that will solve all my problems including finding a way out of this shutdown! This will show them that I’m not anti-immigration and that I am the best president ever! I’m a genius, I’m tellin’ ya, a GENIUS!” So, before he even made his big immigration/shutdown announcement that everyone was waiting more than 24 hours to hear, minions in the White House began to leak details of the big announcement. Or, who knows, maybe it was Fearless Leader himself leaking details thinking everyone would be so impressed by what they learned. Everyone, except, of course, Nancy, of the Chuck and Nancy Show, who immediately fired a shot over the bow with a press release stating that everything that was leaking out was the same goes-nowhere drivel that had already been smashed. But, hey, you’re president so you have to make your best pitch forward and go with what you got. It can be summed up by two words, “lead balloon.” Fearless Leader’s base went insane saying that he was caving to the left and that his proposal amounted to amnesty. The Dems on the other side realized that Pelosi was right in her pre-announcement assessment and crossed their arms (body language) and looked away. Everyone is mad at you (if you’re Trump). Immediately, you push your lapdog New Pence out onto the stage, who does his best to calm the rabid right, pointing out that what their messiah is saying does not constitute amnesty. Fearless Leader apparently not altogether impressed with New’s attempts even tweeted on Sunday the reasons it wasn’t amnesty. That was followed by New making rounds of talk shows on Sunday sounding more hedgehog than lapdog when Chris Wallace on Fox News pointed out that Republicans in the Senate may not have enough support among Republicans to get anything passed. New said that it was all open to negotiation, which seemed to hint that Fearless Leader’s proposal was open for amendment on the Senate floor. The human turtle, McConnell, has promised to move the proposal to the floor for a vote this week. A move likely more about stopping the late-night calls from the president than anything else (Mrs. Turtle is most annoyed). In the meantime, nothing has changed for anyone who is having to endure the Federal shutdown, now more than a month long. Trump yesterday praised Federal workers, particularly those working without pay, calling them “patriots.” Patriots? Really? I'm sure they were thrilled by the comment. Hungry, maybe. Stressed, definitely. These poor people keep thinking, “surely this can’t go on forever, I’ll be back to work soon! With backpay!” The problem with that thinking is that they underestimate Fearless Leader’s ego. He isn’t going to roll over now, not while there’s still breath in Nancy’s lungs to be breathed. Besides, it makes for great television. And, for those of you who are thinking, “yeah, that’s all in DC. I don’t care what goes on there.” You should. The doomsday, Armageddon version of the shutdown ending has engines falling off of aircraft because aviation inspectors are furloughed, or a mass nation-wide outbreak of food poisoning because food inspectors aren’t inspecting, or even worse, some damned fool with a handgun makes it onto a packed airplane with said gun and causes said flight to crash with all onboard because TSA was stretched too thin with the sick-outs. There isn’t any way this is going to end peacefully or without casualties of one variety or another. Still, it can’t go on forever…right? That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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