Whew…happy post-Super Tuesday 3 Wednesday. Glad that’s over…well, almost over. As of this writing (4:30AM), only North Carolina and the Marianas Islands had counted all their votes. The others were at 99% votes counted. Although some of the races are really close, CNN (among others) were declaring The Trump and The Queen of the Unindicted, the big winners. This may be it for Uncle Bernie, though he says he’ll trudge on until the convention. Same goes for Rubio…though if he throws his weight to one of the remaining Republicans it would mix things up a bit. As of right now, it looks as though we’re going to be left with The Trump and The Queen of the Unindicted. A pompous, arrogant loudmouth with an ego the size of Alaska versus an evilly ambitious elitist lawyer with more baggage than a passenger train can haul. It’s going to be a wild ride into November, folks. Better strap in! The fat’s in the fire now! The goose is cooked…well, cooking! Need to break out my book of political clichés! How about, it ain’t over til the fat lady sings! Here at The Compound last night, Friend Lamont, Cousin Fred and I stayed up all night watching the returns. Any more of these Super Tuesdays and Wolf Blitzer’s giant melon head is going to split open…now, that would be great TV! Was it just me, or did anyone else notice how those “exit poll” results shifted remarkably once the actual votes began being counted? Makes me wonder if people are purposely saying something to pollsters that differs from what they’re voting. After switching through channels I noticed that the exit poll numbers among the various networks were even different…not a lot, but different. Imagine being a voter at a particular polling place where outside you had to run a gauntlet of poll takers…CNN morons, Fox News whores, CNBC snoozers, ABC wannabes (we’ll always have Dick Clark – doh!), NBC liars, CBS Kenneth freaks (freqs)…and you give a different answer to each one. It’s the American way! So, we weren’t pussyfooting around last night with the danged exit polls. No sir, we waited for poll results. The real results. Counted by machines that likely date back to Nixon days. I can tell you that here at The Compound, we consumed 47 bags of Cheetos, 10 bags of reheated Chicharones (must get statins…STAT), 20 three-bean burritos, and two cases of cheap, stale beer. Cousin Fred in between snores is farting yellow Cheetos dust. With all of the alleged violence surrounding the Trump campaign so far, it’ll be interesting to see what will happen beyond the conventions and into the slide toward November. It won’t be peaceful, I’m betting. Curiously, the Republican Party’s leadership in the past week has made rather conciliatory gestures toward The Trump (no, not those kinds of gestures). Saying that the entire GOP will stand behind whoever comes out on top at the convention. Guess the leadership is finally starting to get it. Your party membership is pissed off and wants something new...The Trump certainly fits the bill there. Not better necessarily, but definitely new. As I was running through web sites last night trying to get the latest updates on numbers (CNN wouldn’t update their results while Wolf Blitzer was talking…dude never shuts the f*** up), I came across an article on the Huffington Post web site that caught my eye. It was about some guy in Florida who has been showing up at The Trump’s rallies wearing a penis costume and a The Trump mask. He says that the penis cock-stume is a tribute to comments The Trump made about the size of his penis during the televised debate in Detroit on March 1 (I’ll bet he was just trying to impress Megan Kelly). He says he is also on a mission to protect and preserve freedom of speech and religion…in a penis outfit? Well, he has guts…or balls…I’ll give him that. So far, he’s been attacked at nearly every The Trump rally he’s attended. Guess the Trumpeteers don’t have much of a sense of humor about…well, anything. Not to worry though. Our intrepid dickhead tool in Florida says he bought every penis costume he could find so he has plenty of back-ups. It’s the end of civilization as we know it, I’m telling you! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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