Happy Monday everybody! Or, is it?
Whatever do you mean, Mr. Robin? Is there trouble afoot, you may be asking? Oh, there’s trouble afoot alright, fellow pilgrims. There’s definitely trouble afoot. Friends, as I have stated time and again in this stupid blog, I’ve always been willing to give Fearless Leader the benefit of the doubt. Despite the decades of failed businesses, bankruptcies, and lawsuits, I figured the guy must have something going for him, right? I mean, surely all of that failed enterprise was somebody else’s fault, yes? Then this morning I awake to find that my roundabout prediction of Fearless Leader coming unhinged is pretty much coming true. My newsfeed was filled – filled I’m telling you – with story after story of Fearless Leader doing stupid things over the weekend. Blame it on the cabin fever if you prefer, but the dude is going home to Jerome (patron saint of crazy people and librarians), me thinks. Honestly, I was planning to talk about another nutcase at a Walmart that seems to have reached a new low and now has a lifetime ban from setting foot inside the retailer. That, we’ll save for tomorrow. There’s too much Fearless Leader nonsense to cover today. We’ll try to summarize things here, if there’s enough time and space. Grab another cup of coffee and read on. First, I was alerted by an altogether observant blog follower that there is video footage of Fearless Leader during his visit to the border last week being shown the inside of a well-engineered tunnel connecting the U.S. and Mexico beneath the ground of a portion of the current wall/barrier/whatever. Apparently, the video shows a stunned Trump having a hard time grasping the idea that someone would dare burrow beneath a wall rather find a way to climb over it. Idiot. Seriously? This is the first time he’s hearing about this? I must find a copy of that video. I mean, even Genghis Khan found a way to exploit the Great Wall of China, not once but several times. So many times, in fact, that you could say he had his way with the wall. The point is, you build a wall, someone smarter than you will find a way around it, over it, through it, or under it. You want to stop illegal immigration? Okay, use technology. Step up enforcement. Whatever. The Great Wall of America is NOT the answer. It’s billions pissed down the drain for nothing. Still, Fearless Leader is determined to have his wall. He says its his seeing through the promise he made to his base, the smaller (in numbers) group that somehow got him elected King. I don’t buy that any more. This is more about a d*ck measuring contest between him and the stars of The Chuck and Nancy Show. This isn’t leadership. This is deranged megalomania at its finest. Okay, but enough about the Great Wall of America…on to more of the weekend newsfeed. First, there were the reports of Trump coming completely unglued during his last meeting with Dems in the WH about ending the shutdown. As the newest version of the WH Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, was attempting to steer things in a way to find some resolution, Fearless Leader began berating him in front of everyone. He reportedly yelled, “You just f*cked it all up, Mick!” before storming out of the meeting. Mick will hang in there, he has nothing else going for him. He quit his cushy job as a Congressman to take the director job at OMB for Trump, only later reluctantly agreeing to serve as “acting” chief of staff. Me thinks Mick’s days are numbered! By the way, you don’t think the shutdown is beginning to affect things in an increasingly perilous manner? There is a report that some guy earlier this month passed a gun through the TSA screening point in Atlanta and flew all the way to Japan with it. Apparently, TSA is stretched so thin at checkpoints that things are beginning to fall apart. Yet another reason not to fly (I have a long and distinguished list). Through it all, Fearless Leader seems oblivious (or maybe just doesn’t care) to the fact that the majority (the larger group who tried to keep him out of office) of the American people blame him for the shutdown. After all, as long as he still has that smaller solid base that elected him King cheering from the sidelines. He’ll stay the course. Now, that’s leadership! Let’s see…he was tweeting at Turkey on Sunday that they had best not pick on the Kurds after the U.S. pulls out of Syria. Fearless Leader warned he will “decimate Turkey economically” if they try any funny stuff. Of course, he also warned the Kurds against antagonizing Turkey (don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing). Trust me, Turkey will smash the Kurds when the U.S. is isn’t looking. They’ve been waiting for years for the opportunity. He’s such a diplomat. Oh, and there are hints and allegations leaking out of the Pentagon that the leadership there fears that Trump will try to start a shooting match with Iran very soon. Isn’t that special? You know, before this is all over, he’ll have to reinstitute an active draft to get enough people to go fight the multiple fights he seems to be picking with everyone around the world. When/if that happens, you can be certain that the spawn of the small horde (aka, his base) who elected him King will come down with a rash of bone spurs to avoid said draft. Maybe he should consider changing his tagline in the 2020 election from MAGA to MAFSM (Make America Fight Some More). Just sayin’… Umm…he took a swing or two at his favorite soon-to-be Dem rival, Elizabeth Warren, using racist stereotypes in an attempt to undermine her. Hint, Fearless Leader, you aren’t being clever or funny, you just look like racist jack-ass. On and on, I could go. It was a busy weekend for Fearless Leader. I’ll bet his thumbs are all wore out. Eh well, I’m getting bored, so I’ll stop for now. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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