Happy Thursday everybody! Hope you’re well and all is going great for you now that you’re back to work following the 11-day holiday run.
According to a New York Times report, Fearless Leader is happy to have everyone back in The White House. Well, everyone save for the staff that he has run off, gotten sent to prison, or otherwise made to disappear. He convened his first cabinet meeting of 2019 in much the same way he’s done every year since he took office – seeking the praise and adoration of those who serve him. Of course, his enemies, the political pundits and wonks in and around DC are quick to point out that 2019 will be the end of Fearless Leader, but will it? You think Slick Willie Clinton was evasive…wait until you see this slimy snake wiggle away into the tall grass. Fearless Leader was so alone and miserable (we know because he constantly reminded us) sitting in Washington over the 11-day holiday watching reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies, eating more Big Macs than is thought to be humanly possible, and shooting flaming arrows (tweets) at those would dare criticize him while he’s feeling so miserable. It must be tough being Fearless Leader. Think about it. People in your own party are beginning to turn on you. Republican candidates for president are starting to make noise about trying to unseat an incumbent GOP president. The opposition party won’t negotiate with you, which will over time make you appear a complete jackass for digging in your heels over a wall/barrier/fence. The media hates your guts and do everything they can to ridicule and demean you. Even those bloggers who scratch their heads and think “surely, he can’t be that stupid,” think you’re stupid. Your (one-time) overseas allies (except your BFF, Vlad the Poot Putin) laugh you off as the American idiot. Yeah, it’s tough being Trump. As the NYT article pointed out, the cabinet meeting was free-wheeling and true to form, fact-free. Let’s look at a few examples of life with Trump, shall we? He kicked things off by informing everyone that he actually “fired” Jim Mattis, this after previously praising him and setting an early February “retirement” date. What changed? Mattis wasn’t going quietly out the door, that’s what. He called into question Fearless Leader’s leadership and morality, reminding the people in DoD that they took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, domestic, and shaded orange…or, words to that effect. He continues to dig in his heels about the wall/barrier/fence pointing out that it will stop the heroin and/or human trafficking. Eh, probably not. The heroin smugglers and human traffickers will just find another route in. It’s their trade and they’re good at it. Fearless Leader declared that there are approximately 30-35 million illegals in this country costing us $250 billion annually. Hmmm. That flies in the face of a recent report by his own government that puts the figures at 11 million illegals costing $116 billion annually (figures roundly criticized for being inflated). At any rate, once he puts up the wall what do you do with the 11 million already here? The wall isn’t going to force them back down south. Ah, logic…something that eludes Fearless Leader. Others have pointed out that the $5 billion he’s asking for could be better spent on increased enforcement and leveraging technology to solve the in-flow across the border. Fearless Leader was quick to put that down during the cabinet meeting saying that walls have the advantage of history (think Great Wall of China) and that drones (a piece of the technology solution) won’t work because he knows (he says) more about drones than anyone. Next… In the blink of an eye, he was swinging at Mit Romney for his scathing Op-Ed in The Washington Post. Fearless Leader pointed out that he isn’t worried about Romney or any other Republican challenging him for the GOP nomination in 2020 because, “I am the most popular president in the history of the Republican Party.” <cough> And then came the ass-kissing. The annual trip around the table for members of the cabinet to say how much they love Fearless Leader. Let’s see…the Homeland Security secretary praised him for his leadership on border security (of course, she has been a target of criticism from Trump); that was followed by the acting Attorney General (who looks like a thug from a Florida mugshot) who praised the president for giving up his Christmas and New Years holidays to remain in D.C. while those punks in Congress all went home to be with family; the Energy secretary, eh who cares what he thinks…idiot; and then, of course, VP Pence quickly pointed out that he too stayed behind in D.C. over the holiday to advise Fearless Leader on which episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies was coming on in the next hour. There’s more, a lot more, but if you want to read the entire article, which by the way was apparently leaked by someone sitting in the room, follow the link here. It all begs the question (to misquote a Talking Heads lyric from the 80’s): “How did we get here?” That is all. Comments are closed.
March 2019
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