Hey, look at us! We made it to Thursday! We’re a mere few hours post-final-debate and nothing has changed. Oh. Friends, I don’t know what you were expecting last night…I certainly didn’t know going into the debate what would happen. With the two clowns we’re stuck with, it could have been anything. I will say that I thought Chris Wallace did a great job of trying to keep a lid on maintaining control, more so than any of the other moderators they’ve had. Well, he tried his best anyway. Things started off with a few policy questions that quickly devolved into the Trump letting loose with whatever crossed his brain. On the Second Amendment, the Trump made it clear he was for the 2nd Amendment (that’s nice) and that the Queen of the Unindicted is also, but with a lot of strings attached (that’s bad) and then he suggested that when he’s president he will work to strengthen the 2nd Amendment. Huh? First of all, messing with the Constitution requires the full involvement of a do-nothing Congress. So, good luck with that. Just stick with I’m pro-2nd Amendment and she’s not. Or wait, is she not? Her Majesty fired back with a statement about living in Arkansas for 18 years and representing the people of upstate New York, so she knows heaps about guns. She loves guns. She sleeps with guns. Okay, she didn’t actually say the last two sentences, but she made it clear that she doesn’t have an issue with people owning guns. Uh huh. I guess she’s just going to take away everyone’s access to ammo. Seems I heard that recently, though I couldn’t find a quote so I may be spewing nonsense myself. Note to self: start buying up all the ammo you can find. It’s about to become a commodity. Things went to crap soon thereafter. For 90 minutes these two went at it about guns, abortions, the Supreme Court (the Trump has enough resumes of judges to re-panel the court 3 times over)…there were allegations of corruption and crime in the Clinton-led State Dept (yep, yep, yep)…there were accusations of sexual improprieties against the Trump (which he swatted away like so many flies). At the end of it all, did it change your mind, one way or the other? I’m not sure we even needed this third debate except maybe to save Fox News’ smoldering reputation. They should give Chris Wallace a raise. There was one bit of news that came out of that mess. Something I’d never heard before. Apparently, the Trump is betting heavily on a large Election Day turnout by so-called invisible voters. These are first-time, newly registered voters that the people who poll don’t know exist. If you tie that to a strong effort over the summer by the GOP to get people to register to vote, there may be something to it. Maybe, just maybe, Trump’s insistence that he doesn’t trust polls is something more than mere bravado in the face of lagging numbers. But then again, maybe the whole invisible voter thing is just another feint (read as, attempt at propaganda) to throw people off the scent and make whatever undecideds are out there think that the Trump does in fact still have a shot. Either way it goes, we’re doomed. But then again (I know, I’m overusing the phrase), one of the great things about America is that we have a legislative branch (moronic do-nothings in Congress) to keep the president in check. Okay, either way it goes, we’re doomed. Cousin Fred and I are headed back to The Compound this morning. Hoping to sneak out of here without the virginal vegan hearing us. I’ve left her the final contractual piece I owe the magazine. I’m done. It’s time to get back to working on reality TV, oh and finish the one-act play I’ve been writing. So much to do, so little time. Comments are closed.
March 2019
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