Happy Hootsday everybody! Welcome to this issuance of the first posting of the CCB in several days. We’ve been without broadband or cell service here at The Compound since last week. Presume it’s because Fearless Leader had second thoughts about handing over the handshakes to his Twitter account to me, a mere blogger. Honestly, I had no plans to do anything with it. I didn’t want to be named among the lucky(?) indictees somewhere down the road. You know, it’s tough living without broadband when your entire world revolves around television, internet, and phone service dependent upon either broadband or cellular. Oh sure, I could have made the run into town along a road littered with discarded bolts fallen off some jackass’ truck (long story – secure your G-D load!) to the library and used their internet. But that’s difficult to do when you’re cowering inside the concrete hidey hole here at The Compound. Yep, ever since the quote/unquote “important nuclear summit” came undone in Hanoi last week, we’ve gone to Double Secret Panic Alert (our highest Compound imminent danger status level). I figure it’s only a matter of time before the lunatic in power (D.C. or Pyongyang, take your pick) does something really stupid and launches a missile or two. With The Compound being near the geographical center of the U.S., I figure we’ll catch some of the shrapnel and/or radiation dose. Yep, I’m not leaving the hidey hole. We got broadband and cellular back last night so I’m set. Cousin Fred and Gigi are still holed up in Das Boot. So, it’s just me and Friend Lamont down here. The Wife took off for parts unknown muttering something about “paranoid freaks”. Fearless Leader has been whining and trying to drop the blame on everyone but himself for the failure of the talks with his NoKo pal, Kim Jong Uno. And, in the big scheme of things perhaps I’m not being fair. Fearless Leader claims that the NoKo Supreme D**khead wanted too much in return for shutting down their nuclear warhead assembly line. In truth, the allegedly truthful testimony of the lying bastard, Michael Cohen, last week probably had a lot to do with Trump calling it quits and flying back home. I’m sure he was only partially listening to Kim while keeping an ear open for any new bombshell from Cohen about alleged misdeeds of Fearless Leader. Oh, and Fearless Leader tried diversionary tactics like making a statement that his pal Kim knew nothing of the college kid who was tortured in a NoKo jail before being sent back to the U.S. where he died. Keep in mind that Kim kills his relatives for sport. This is a man who has people that catch houseflies for him so he can pull their wings off and watch them scurry around on the table. When there was backlash about that, Fearless Leader pointed out that the kid was tried and jailed during Obama’s regime so it’s really his fault. Damn, really? No sooner did the talks break up than hackers in NoKo continued their efforts trying to hack into U.S. banks, utilities, and energy companies. Great. Hmmm…maybe it was the NoKos who shut down The Compound last week. Nah, it was Fearless Leader, he needed his Twitter account back. And then, in last night’s newsfeed, I see a story about how Trump is now blaming Cohen for the breakdown in the talks. According to Fearless Leader, the timing of the hearings that coincided with the trip to Hanoi is highly suspect and is part of a larger Dem “collusion delusion”. Yeah, maybe. The only thing I know is that’s only a matter of time before the NoKos lob a nuke tipped missile this way. And then, Fearless Leader will feel compelled to launch his own which will, coincidentally, go very wrong and land here at The Compound. That’s why I’m in the hidey hole for now. Stay safe, America…stay underground…it’s only going to get worse. That is all! Comments are closed.
March 2019
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